soft telegram
towers of sleep like tall smoke
fold, breathe in procession.
in paradisum on cheap speakers.
little sleeps with creepy hands, nubby
like some highly engineered silicon
sponge-thing off QVC or something
touch things.
it’s shameless
and unnerves me.
stare down the nose of an F-15 tomcat. .
no eyes.
painted teeth and bleachy-smelling clouds.
it’s very important to know
whose hand you will hold
in the House of All Possible Snakes::
what snake is pure of anathema?
white-snake has no teeth
only stomach
through the iris, shifting light
reveals 7 towers.
Ultraviolet Tower 00
Pure Tower 11
Beautiful Tower 22
Strong Tower 33
Radiant Tower 44
Wise Tower 55
Complete Tower 66
bleating into the wind,
you have a lamb’s face,
and the motion of the herd
is changing your blood .
Dandelion Tower #11
plucked bald
Tower of Talc #22
pliable as mist
a baby can drown in 1 inch of water in a five gallon bucket
my heart is wet & my brain is young
lonely 22 you walk
like a palpitating heart
possible towers loom & fade
DELTA 5 is expansive and pure.
you pass through alone.
Fa ta Mo rga na
ata le Ma ta Orga n
Ata Mo rg ana fAta
ma ta fat e o rg na rana