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gentle; a boyish buddha with plants

his bedroom’s a quiet calypso, his girl a bluejay 

nesting, preening in pastel lace. 

the morning glory died in its terra cotta


lovebird, stay- - 

your sheets are clean

i like the softness of your gaze

& the curve of your back

i like the way you drink beer

but not too much

& the way you hold me 

but not too close

let’s hang out now & uh,

forever or the weekend


I’ll leave hollyhocks for you in india ink

& smack down any girls that try to flirt with you

with the power of my wit & expressive scowls

I’ll wiki flower varietals to talk about 

& demand that you finish college


California Poppy

Purple Chinese Houses

Yellow Pansy

Franciscan Wallflower

Douglas Iris

Baby Blue Eyes

Heuchera spp. - coral bells

Western Blue-eyed Grass

Calypso Orchid

Fiddlenecks (several species)

Blue Flax

Cow Parsnip

Common Star Lily

Crimson Columbine

Wavy-leafed Soap Plant

Clarkia spp. - Farewell to Spring


it’ll be a dream!

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