strictly intellectual
spark a doobie & call me up to talk-
like we’re Hillary Clinton & Jim Margolis or something,
like I’m not in love with you or something,
like it’s chill.
say you feel it too or dance around it- -
but how could you give me a second look
when every supermodel and folk singer in LA
is scrawling your name in her notebook
and spell-checking before she texts you with “hey”
I guess I don’t mind.
you know I’d do anything for you
you know everybody else knows it too
just call me so we can talk about the telepathic
draw toward your spiritual other
in this labyrinth of realilty
so we could to know each other a little better,
in this bicoastal panopticon of optics & jealousy.
seems like both of us are pretty good
at dancing in a cage.
we can block out the body language,
knowing it’s theatre to be played out on stage.
spark a doobie & call me up to talk.
I’ll act like we’re Hillary Clinton & Jim Margolis or something
like I’m not in love with you or something
like it’s chill
just don’t hang up the phone.