i. the dust
a dust storm has blown in, a pink brown mist haze
whirling off the fields in licks and wists
the land lifting to become airborne,
fine grains soaked in agrochemicals-
the aetherized body of the earth.
I see ii. her body
She no longer exists;
the body is not Life
*the duality of body) and
licking across the flat earth, sweeping in whorls across the country roads
the movement of spirit into wind
into ripples across the sea
& color in
the Wild
iii. deep green phytochemicals diffusing
in cellulose stalks that twist and grow
like the cotton toward the sun, in circles
around the years. we cradled the sun-warm dust in our palms,
blinking into the endless sky.
the passage of Loving Spirit iv. into wind
unseen but animating the land by its touch
the wind is breath the wind is change movement running leaping the wind is
dancing thermodynamics,
the wind is tiring;
she sleeps the rest of the weary.
the wind’s last kiss kissed,
the dust falls calm as if ironed flat.