where she goes after all that
A beautiful woman unloved by her lover
washed her face in acid.
Her beauty was not loved
so she could not love it,
and so it died.
Now she can find Beauty
only outside of herself.
She is the ghost of the Hudson River Valley,
with sagging lily eyes,
hooded and shy.
She lives on color,
and rises at twilight
arching her back and reaching
for black coffee.
(locust, hickory, & hazlenuts arch
as the voices of a cathedral
rise; smoke to heaven.
whorling bark in baroque
entwinements lace, soft
sapphire and coral threads
drawn through blue).
She traces her finger across all of this
and accepts it,
as The People drink wine,
kiss each other’s bodies,
and close their doors,
to fading music.
(angelsong in the leaves
harmonize and tesselate.
gold dapples a sugar maple
and a paper birch shimmers.
small rainbows in her palm.)
She is the faceless dancer who lives for music.
Her memories are gone and replaced with visions of the immediate,
articulated as grandly in a sun-glazed violet
as in the empty ballet studio where she goes to reach for Nothing
and hear the viola’s song.
She has no light left within her
but she finds it here.